Alexandra Papadopoulou (1867 - 1906)

Short name Alexandra Papadopoulou
First name Alexandra
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Alexandra Pappadopoulou , Vizantis , Anatolitissa , Sataniski , Thrakopoula , Sanco Pansas
Date of birth 1867
Date of death 1906
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Greece
Place of residence notes
Related to Kalliroi Parren , Virginia Evaggelidou , Sappho Leontias
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature 1992 - List Celebration of Women Writers (but no hyperlinks) Cf. - Rizaki - Papakostas, G. (1980). I zoi kai to ergo tis Alexandras Papadopoulou [Life and work of Alexandra Papadopoulou]. Athens: Νational Literary and Historical Archives. - Ziras, A. (2005). Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ikones mias didaskalisis [ Alexandra Papadopoulou; pictures of a teacher] (introd) in Alexandra Papadopoulou, Peripetiai mias didaskalisis, Sto Monastiri. Athens: Patakis Press. - Parren, K. (1906). Alexandra Papadopoulou (part A & B) Efimeris ton Kurion, vol 869 & vol 870 -Papakostas, G. (2003), I protopora pezografos Alexandra Papadopoulou [The pioneer writer Alexandra Papadopoulou] in Ichnilasies. Athens: Patakis Press, pp.100-120 -Papakostas, G. (2002). Desmis Dihgimaton, ena telikos anevrethen ergo tis Alexandras Papadopoulou [A collection of short stories, a finaly found short story of Alaxandra Papadopoulou] in I ereuna kai i ermineutikes tis ekdoches. Athens: Patakis Press, pp.150-167 -Vasilaki, A. (2013). Women’s education and Modern Greek literature: Language, Nation and Education in the work of Alexandra Papadopoulou [in Greek]. M.Ed. thesis, University of Crete. -Vasileiadis, N. (1910). Eikones Konstantinoupoleos kai Athinon [Pictures of Konstantinoupolis and Athnes]. Athens: Hestia Press, pp.23-38 -Tamboukou, M. (2004). Tracing Heterotopias, Writing women educators in Greece. Gender of Education 16 (2), 187-207 -Argiripoulou, H. (2006). I gunaika stin ekpaideusi kai i ekpaideutikos mesa apo logotexnika keimena [Woman in education and female teacher in literature]. Athens: Epitheorisi Ekpaideutikon Thematon, 16, pp 20-35.
Provisional Notes No translations into French in Cat.BnF. svdfeb11 LANGUAGES PASSIVE OR TRANSLATED FROM: - French - German svdmar12 info AVasilaki Membership on the editorial board of magazines Imerologion ton Kurion (editor) in 1888 and 1889, Istanbul, Filologiki Echo in 1896, Istanbul Feminist: to be considered as provisionally, as a writer on women's issues. Short story writer, journal editor, essayist, novelist, poet (Buck). Many patriotic - nationalist short stories, mainly short stories like "social psychograms" of Constantinople favorite writers: Russian, De Maupassant, Eliot, Sand. Worked as teacher for money in 1905 became director of School for girls in Salonika (av mar12) Translator from French. Traveller. Feminist. Philanthropist. Connections to writer Grigorios Xenopoulos (penfriend) and poet Gruparis (friend).
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Pappadopoulou
Memberships Of editorial boards
Place(s) of Residence Greece
Author of
Commented on in
Mentioned in
Referenced in