Anna Luise Karsch (01-12-1722 - 12-10-1791)

Short name Anna Luise Karsch
First name Anna Luise
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Anna Louisa Karsch , Anna Louisa Dürbach
Date of birth 01-12-1722
Date of death 12-10-1791
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death Germany
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Related to Helmina von Chézy
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Mark Lehmstedt, Deutsche Literatur von Frauen. Berlin, Directmedia 2001 (Dig. Bibliothek 45 - CD-rom) - Lerner, Creation of Feminist Consciousness, 1993, discussed p.177-8 Cf. - Johannes Birgfeld, "Patriotische Erregung als literarische Chance. Vom Einfluss der Geschichte auf das Verhältnis von Gattung und Geschlecht im 18. Jahrhundert oder: Ana Louisa Karsch und die Kriegslyrik", in Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert 29 (2005), p. 192-208.
Provisional Notes Bad marriage(s). Supposedly the first German female writer who earned her living by writing (see link Wortblume).
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Germany