Anna Maria Kaulbach (1869 - 1960)

Short name Anna Maria Kaulbach
First name Anna Maria
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Anna van Gogh - Kaulbach , Wata , Wilhelmina Reynbach , Mac Peter , A. van Redichem , Erna
Date of birth 1869
Date of death 1960
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Velsen (Noord-Holland, NLD)
Place of death Haarlem (Noord-Holland, NLD)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Ter Laan 1941 - Van Bork en Verkruijsse 1985 - Ten Brink Cf. - Erica van Boven, ‘Het pseudoniem als strategie. Pseudoniemen van vrouwelijke auteurs 1850-1900’. In: Nederlandse letterkunde, 1998 (4), p. 309-326. online-portrait in BWSA
Provisional Notes Married to Willem Jacob van Gogh (1877), 5 children (2 daughters, 3 sons). *Remco* translation (probably 1904) of play Clara Viebig 'Kampf um den Mann' (1903), performed in Dutch theaters (in 1904)shown by contract as found in Letterkundig Museum. Likely exclusive translator of Ernst Zahn. Leo Simons (wereldbibliotheek) had exclusive rights in the Netherlands of Dutch translations of Ersnt Zahn. (1909) Letter in Letterkundig Museum (personal archives of Ernst Zahn)
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Gogh-Kaulbach, Anna van
Memberships SDAP (Dutch Social Democratic Workers' Party)
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands