Mathilde Blind (1841 - 1896)

Short name Mathilde Blind
First name Mathilde
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Mathilde Cohen , Claude Lake
Date of birth 1841
Date of death 1896
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death England
Lived in Switzerland , England
Place of residence notes
Related to Rosa Nouchette Carey
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes Born in Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Lived in London and Zürich, died in London. Mathilde's radical politics - which would eventually be felt in her strong feminist and social works - helped to engender a considerable independence of mind which was evident as early as her school years. She was subsequently expelled from school for atheism and later she followed her hero George Eliot in her commitment to the word of David Friedrich Strauss, author of Das leben Jesu and part of the higher criticism of the Bible movement. (the literary encyclopedia; see link)
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Mathilde Cohen
Place(s) of Residence Switzerland , England
Author of
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