Toini **Topelius (1854 - 1910)

Short name Toini **Topelius
First name Toini
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Tea , Saima H. , -d , Saga
Date of birth 1854
Date of death 1910
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Helsinki (FIN)
Place of death Norway
Lived in Finland , Norway
Place of residence notes
Related to Alta (Anna) Dahlgren , Hanna Ongelin , Marie Linder , Zachris (Zacharias, Sakari) Topelius , Fredrika Runeberg , Alexandra Gripenberg
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes The father of Toini Topelius was the famous writer for children, Zacharias Topelius. Toini Topelius was the first Finnish female writer writing for girls. Her books brought to the genre things like imagination and creativity. She also had girls as protagonists. Toini Topelius contributed many magazines and publications. She lived with her parents until the death of her father. Then she moved to Norway with a friend (and lover?) Valborg Hovind-Stub. After the death of Valborg Hovind-Stub a friend from Finland, Alta Dahlgren, moved to stay with Toini Topelius. At an old age Topelius become interested in anthroposophy. Jwapr14
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education School education, Other
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Finland , Norway
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