Aleksandra Mihailovna Kollontai (1872 - 1952)

Short name Aleksandra Mihailovna Kollontai
First name Aleksandra Mihailovna
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Aleksandra Domontovits
Date of birth 1872
Date of death 1952
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Russia
Place of death Russia
Lived in Sweden , Russia , Austria , Switzerland
Place of residence notes
Related to Elena Dmitrievna Stasova
Bibliography "The Attitude of the Russian Socialists," The New Review, March 1916, pp. 60–61. Red Love. [novel] New York: Seven Arts, 1927. Free Love. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1932. Communism and the Family. Sydney: D. B. Young, n.d. [1970]. The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman. n.c. [New York]: Herder and Herder, n.d. [1971]. Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle: Love and the New Morality. Bristol: Falling Wall Press, 1972. Women Workers Struggle for their Rights. Bristol: Falling Wall Press, 1973. The Workers' Opposition. San Pedro, CA: League for Economic Democracy, 1973. International Women's Day. Highland Park, MI: International Socialist Publishing Co., 1974. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai. Alix Holt, trans. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1977. Love of Worker Bees. [novel] Cathy Porter, trans. London: Virago, 1977 [new translation of Red Love plus 2 short stories] A Great Love. [novel] Cathy Porter, trans. London: Virago, 1981. Also: New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1982. Selected Articles and Speeches. New York: International Publishers, 1984. The Essential Alexandra Kollontai. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2008. The Workers Opposition in the Russian Communist Party: The Fight for Workers Democracy in the Soviet Union. St. Petersburg, FL: Red and Black Publishers, 2009. A comprehensive bibliography of Russian-language material by Kollontai appears in Clements, pp. 317–331.
Provisional Notes Was the revolutioner, feminist Was holding on the idea of free love and was standing against the traditional family institute abJan18IsabelL
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Sweden , Russia , Austria , Switzerland