Laure d'Abrantès (1784 - 1838)

Short name Laure d'Abrantès
First name Laure
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Laure Junot , Laure Adelaïde Constance Permon , Duchesse d'Abrantès , Laure d' Abrantes
Date of birth 1784
Date of death 1838
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Montpellier
Place of death Paris
Lived in France
Place of residence notes
Related to Constance Aubert
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Montferrand, Femmes célèbres, 1843 - Henri Carton, Histoire des femmes ecrivains de la France, 1886, p.219. - Larnac 1921 - Beauvoir, Deuxième sexe, 1949 (ed.Folio 1976, p. 355-6) - Buck, Guide Cf. - Gunn, P., Napoléon's "Little Pest": the Duchess of Abrantès. London, 1975. - Toussaint du Wast, N., Laure Junot, duchesse d'Abrantès'. Fanval, 1985. - Margaret Cohen, The sentimental education of the novel. Princeton, 1999. - Nicole Pellegrin (ed.), Histoire d’historiennes. PUSE, 2006.
Provisional Notes Cohen, 84, 87, 136, 139, 145-7 svd jul08 Montpellier 06-11-1784 - Paris 07-06-1838. 2 daughters, 2 sons. Widow after suicide of husband in 1813 [source: Buck] Of Greek origin, said by Montferrand to be a descendant of the ruling family of Komnenós. Linked to the family Bonaparte (Montferrand 220) Precarious financial situation. Collaborated with Honoré de Balzac.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence France