Stanka Nikolitza Spasso-Elenina Ikonomova (1835 - 1920)

Short name Stanka Nikolitza Spasso-Elenina Ikonomova
First name Stanka Nikolitza
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Spasso-Elenina
Date of birth 1835
Date of death 1920
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bulgaria
Place of residence notes
Related to Stefanija Ikonomova-Mirska
Bibliography Cf. - "Dve prikazki za slavnite zheni i za Aza chelovekomrazetza"/Two tales of the glorious women and Az the Misanthrope", Belgrade 1853
Provisional Notes Stanka Nikolitsa-Spaso-Elenina is the first woman translator in Bulgaria of Dositei Obradovich's work.In 1853 she published part of his essays under the tittle:" "Two tales of glorious women "' which is recognized as the first Bulgarian open questions for the emancipation of women.The book is introduced as a textbook in some schools in the Bulgarian Renaissance. Nikolitsa is one of the first Bulgarian poets. Shed didn't manage to publish tha translations of "Mnogostradalnata Genoveva''/The suffering Genoveva'' and "'Kisia Kralicata''/''Kisia the Queen''because of her death.
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Ikonomova, Stanka
Memberships Member of Razgrad female company and provider of female charity "Stupanka."
Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria
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