Anasstasia Tosheva (1837 - 1919)

Short name Anasstasia Tosheva
First name Anasstasia
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1837
Date of death 1919
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bulgaria
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography She was born 18.01.1837 .She got a very good education.In 1859 Anastasia and Sandra Milkova were the first women sent to study in Odesa by charitable funds.There she learnt French and Russian very good.In 1857 Anastasia came back in Bulgaria in Stara Zagora.She opened a women school where she tought 24 girls.The school closed very soon because of some epidemic. In 1858 She was engaged to Tosho Toshev.She had two children-boys.Their names are Stefan(1859) and Svetoslav(1862). translator from russian. Two translations made by Tosheva are listed in the catalogs of the Bulgarian National Library. One of them from Russian language. The authors of the originals are not mentioned and have yet to be identified. Bulgarian titles: Търпението (Patience), 1910; Не се страхувай от смъртта: кратки черти из живота на г-жа Дишпини Ан. Ангелова (Don't be afraid of death: short notes on the life of Mrs Dishpini A. Angelova), 1914.
Provisional Notes Info N. Alexandrova, to be developed svdsept10 ak aug 2011
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Tosho Toshev
Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria
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