Immi (Ingeborg) Hellén (1861 - 1937)

Short name Immi (Ingeborg) Hellén
First name Immi (Ingeborg)
Birth name Hellén
Married name
Date of birth 1861
Date of death 1937
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Finland
Place of death Finland
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education Other, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Immi (Ingeborg) Hellén was ...
Place(s) of Residence Finland
Receptions of Immi (Ingeborg) Hellén, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Zacharias Topelius was a family friend of the Hellén-family and a remarkable force for Hellén’s career. Immi Hellén studied in Swedish girl school in Tampere and worked as a teacher. After that she completed the teacher’s seminar in Jyväskylä and continued teaching. She wrote poems and books for girls. Jwapr14