Joanna Baillie (1762 - 1851)

Short name Joanna Baillie
First name Joanna
Birth name Baillie
Married name
Date of birth 1762
Date of death 1851
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Scotland
Place of death England
Lived in Scotland , England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Scotland , England
Receptions of Joanna Baillie, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
On the Female Literature of the Present Age Unknown author (to be identified) 1820 comments on person
"14. - * The golden violet, etc. –" (mention in a review) Frédéric Degeorge 1827 mentions person
De l'Influence des femmes Fanny Mongellaz 1828 is biography of
*Comment on this author Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach 1860 comments on person
Drei englische Dichterinnen Three English female poets Helene Druskovitz 1885 is biography of
Mnogoženstvo in enoženstvo Polygamy and Monogamy Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk 1899 mentions person
*Comment in private letter Annette von Droste - Hülshoff None comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: Her house in Hampstead became a meeting point for a lively literary circle. She died at the age of 89, declaring herself tired of life. Cf. - Norma Clarke, The Rise and Fall of the Woman of Letters. 2004 (see under Elstob)
MNS14 Born in Bothwell, Lanarkshire. Lived in Bothwell, Hamilton, Glasgow, London, Colchester. Died in Hampstead.