Elizabeth Helme (1743 - 1814)

Short name Elizabeth Helme
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/18703795/
First name Elizabeth
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name XXX
Date of birth 1743
Date of death 1814
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Durham (Durham, ENG)
Place of death United Kingdom
Lived in United Kingdom
Place of residence notes
Related to Elizabeth Somerville
Bibliography Dale Spender, Mothers of the Novel, Pandora, 1986. MENTIONED IN: - Heinemeyer He-Hu 106 -Turner - Spender, Mothers - Zofia Sinko "Powieść angielska XVIII wieku a powieść polska lat 1764-1830" PIW 1961 - Todd, 1660-1800, 1987
Provisional Notes MNS (Marie Sorbo) 30-1-2024 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Todd 1989 - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. Year of birth estimated. Todd 1987: fl.1787. Year of death possibly 1814. 5 children. Translator from German. Translated children's plays.
Children Elizabeth Somerville
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title Author, novelist, teacher, translator
Marital status
Spouse William Helme
Place(s) of Residence United Kingdom
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