Cecile de Jong van Beek en Donk (1866 - 1944)

Short name Cecile de Jong van Beek en Donk
First name Cecile
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Cecile Goekoop
Date of birth 1866
Date of death 1944
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Alkmaar (Noord-Holland)
Place of death -
Lived in Hintham, Den Bosch (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to Elisabeth de Jong van Beek en Donk
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Ter Laan 1941. - Maria Grever en Berteke Waaldijk, Feministische openbaarheid. De Nationale Tentoonstelling van Vrouwenarbeid in 1898. Amsterdam 1998. - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011 online-portrait in DVN
Provisional Notes Cf. Biography of the 2 sisters Cécile and Elisabeth de Jong van Beek en Donk. title: Strijdbare freules, de levens van Cécile en Elisabeth de Jong van Beek en Donk (1866-1944 en 1868-1939). author: Elisabeth Leynse. svdmar11 Married to Paul Goekoop (1890), divorced (1899), remarried to Michel Frenkel (1904), widowed (1934). 1 son. Forfurtherdiscussion Died in France
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Goekoop, Cecile
Memberships Damesleesmuseum (The Hague), Nationale Tentoonstelling voor vrouwenarbeid
Place(s) of Residence Hintham, Den Bosch (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands