Anna Lindau (1828~ - 1880)

Short name Anna Lindau
First name Anna
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1828~
Date of death 1880
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death Milano (ITA)
Lived in England , Italy
Place of residence notes
Related to Annie Vivanti
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes Born in Magdeburg? Date of birth supposition. Died in Milan. Married Anselmo Vivanti in 1853; 4 children, among them Annie Vivanti. They had to leave Italy in 1855, lived in London for a while, where she kept a salon visited by many intellectuals and artists (a.o. Karl Marx). When Carducci introduced Annie Vivanti to the Italian reader he attributed to Anna Lindau also poetry activities (Ein Apriltag, 1867); she contributed also to the newspaper Die Gegenwart of her brother Paul, but her main literary activity were stories for children and travel reports (A Journey to Crete, Constantinople, Naples, and Florence: three months abroad, by Anna Vivanti, London : [s.n.], 1865). -- In a letter of Jenny Marx to Kate Freiligrath of 24 dec.1868 we find a concise description: "a strange little woman, ugly and shapeless, but full of live and spirit. She is called Mrs. Vivanti, she married an italian and she is a fervent admirarer of Dante, whom she knows very well. She reminds me of that woman that Balzac portrays in the Recherce de l'Absolu".
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Anselmo Vivanti
Place(s) of Residence England , Italy
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