Eustahija Arsić (1776 - 1843)

Short name Eustahija Arsić
First name Eustahija
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1776
Date of death 1843
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Irig (SRB)
Place of death Romania
Lived in Serbia
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes bdn may19 mk 11th Oct, 2010 Twice remarried. Married into the noble family of Arsić. SNJuly12 The first Serbian modern woman writer whose books were first printed as books of a female author in Serbian. With her third husband Sava Arsić supported many Serbian writers, as well as educational and religious institutions in Voyvodina, both Serbian and Romanian. It is supposed she new English and German, as well as Latin and Romanian. She was a self-educated person who was under the influence of Dositej Obradović's philosophy. She used Slavo-Serbian in her books but not the reformed Serbian introduced by Vuk Stefanović Karadzić. There are both religious and scientific discourse of the epoch introduced in her writings. She also had a professional contact with Vuk Stefanović Karadzić. Cf. 1. Ilija Ognjanović, Description of the life and work of Evstatia ot Arsić, nee Cincić (1776-1843), the first Serbian woman writer, with the list of women writers in Serbia, in "Srpkinja" – women’s magazine for 1897 (published in 1896) pp. 108-110 2. Vladimir Milankov, Eustahija pl. Arsić i njeno doba [Eustahija Arsić and her times], Novi Sad 2001. 3.Magdalena Koch, ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura...Twórczosć pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon -genre- gender) [...when we mature as a culture...Early 20th century Serbian women's'writings (canon-genre-gender), Wroclaw 2007, s. 26-33.
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Self-educated
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Serbia
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