Isidora Sekulić (1877 - 1958)

Short name Isidora Sekulić
First name Isidora
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Stremnicki
Date of birth 1877
Date of death 1958
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Vojvodina (region)
Place of death Serbia
Lived in Serbia , Austro-Hungarian Empire
Place of residence notes
Related to Anica Savić Rebac
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to Women's Literature 1992 - Jovan Skerlić, Istorija nove srpske knjizevnosti [History of New Serbian Literature], Beograd [Belgrade] 1914 (first edition). - Jovan Deretić, Istorija srpske knjizevnosti [History of Serbian Literature], Beograd [Belgrade] 1983 (first edition), 2002 (expanded edition). - Predrag Palavestra, Istorija moderne srpske knjizevnosti. Zlatno doba [History of Modern Serbian Literature. Golden age], Beograd [Belgrade] 1986 (first edition), 1995 (second edition). Cf. - Ivanka Udovicki, Esej Isidore Sekulić, Beograd 1977. -Drasko Redjep, Isidora, ona ona [Isidora, she she], Novi Sad 1977. - Slavko Leovac, Knjizevno delo Isidore Sekulić [Literary Work of Isidora Sekulić], Beograd [Belgrade]1986. -Vladislava Ribnikar, Knjizevni pogledi isidore Sekulic [Literary Views of Isidora Sekulic], Beograd [Belgrade] 1986. - Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the Shadows. Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia, CEU, Budapest 2000, p. 171-180 - Magdalena Koch, Podróze w czasie i przestrzeni. Proza Isidory Sekulić [The journeys in space and time. Prose of Isidora Sekulić], University of Wroclaw Publishing House, Wroclaw 2000. -Slobodanka Peković, Isidorini oslonci [Isidora's supports], Novi Sad 2009. - Magdaelna Koch, ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura... Twórczosc pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon-genre-gender) [...when we mature as a culture... Early 20th-century Serbian Women's Writings (canon-genre-gender), Wroclaw 2007. -Slavica Garonja Radovanac, Zena u srpskoj knjizevnosti [Woman in Serbian Literature], Novi Sad 2010, p. 82-139.
Provisional Notes mk 13 Oct. 2010 Born in Mošorin, Vojvodina. Married a medical doctor of Polish origin Emil Stremnicki who died soon (1914). She never remarried, had no children. Prose writer, translator, literary critic, essayist, traveler, first Serbian woman elected as a member of Serbian Academy of Sciences (in 1950). She studied natural science in Budapest, worked as a teacher. Traveled a lot (to Norway, Sweden in 1913), Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy. She spoke fluently German, English, French, Russian. Interpreter from Norwegian and interpreter from Swedish. Memberships : member - correspondent of the Serbian Royal Academy of Science, member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, president of the Serbian PEN Center, vise - president of the Association of Writers of Yugoslavia, president of the Association of Writers of Serbia, Board member of the AFŽ (Yugoslavian anti-fascist women's front), one of the founders of the Teachers' Association for Secondary Vocational Schooling, Board Secretary at the International Council of Women.
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Stemnicki
Memberships Serbian Royal Academy of Science, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Place(s) of Residence Serbia , Austro-Hungarian Empire
Author of
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