Laura Bassi - Verati (1711 - 1778)

Short name Laura Bassi - Verati
First name Laura
Birth name Bassi - Verati
Married name
Alternative name Maria Cattarina Veratti
Date of birth 1711
Date of death 1778
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Italy
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Laura Bassi - Verati was ...
Memberships Accademia dell' Arcadia (Rome)
Place(s) of Residence Italy
Author of
Receptions of Laura Bassi - Verati, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Lettres historiques et critiques sur l'Italie: Avec des Notes relatives à la situation actuelle de l'Italie, et la Liste raisonnée des Tableaux et autres Monuments qui ont été apportés à Paris, de Milan, de Rome, de Venise, etc. Charles de Brosses 1799 comments on person
De l'Influence des femmes Fanny Mongellaz 1828 is biography of
MENTIONED IN: - Ferri, Pietro Leopoldo, "Bibliografia femminile italiana," (Padova, 1842), p. 41-42. - Offen, European Feminisms, 2000
NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 Scientist, received doctorate from University of Bologna; appointed Prof. of physics at Univ. of Bologna. appears not to have been a publishing author, but some of her written work, including thesis are collected in Miscellany published in 1732. First woman to become a physics professor at a European university.