Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861)

Short name Elizabeth Barrett Browning
First name Elizabeth
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Elizabeth Moulton-Barrett
Date of birth 1806
Date of death 1861
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth England
Place of death Italy
Lived in England , Italy
Place of residence notes
Related to Mary Russell Mitford , Anna Brownell Jameson , Isabella Blagden
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "She was the most respected and succesfull woman poet of the Victorian period" - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 746. - Offen, European feminisms, 2000 127
Provisional Notes Cf. Corresp. G. Sand, t. 10, 25. Born in Kelloe, Durham, died in Florence. Lived in Italy from 1846. Bad health. Critiques littéraires dans la revue Athenaeum (cf. M. Demoor, Their fair share. Women, power and criticism in the Athenaeum. Aldershot, 2000) KLK 1915
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Browning, Elizabeth
Place(s) of Residence England , Italy