Nellie van Kol (1851 - 1930)

Short name Nellie van Kol
First name Nellie
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Nellie , Jacoba Maria Petronella Porreij , Marie Porrey
Date of birth 1851
Date of death 1930
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Netherlands
Place of death Netherlands
Lived in Switzerland , Germany , Breda (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands , Voorschoten (Zuid-Holland) , Indonesia
Place of residence notes
Related to Raden Adjeng Kartini , Ida Sarah Heijermans , Heinz Polzer
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Portrait gallery of Museum of Dutch literary history, as one of the 17 women out of the 115 writers born before 1900 (cf. born after 1900: 65 women, 219 men) (svddec10) Persoonsarchief in het IIAV Basse I 118
Provisional Notes Born in Den Bosch (12-12-1851), died in Utrecht (24-2-1930). Married to Hendrikus Hubertus van Kol (1852-1925) in 1883. Three sons, one daughter. (see DVN) Convent education/Boarding school. HOVO Utrecht 2013 Memberships - President of Union pour la solidarité des femmes in Brussel (1892) - Founding member of Hollandsch-Vlaamsche Vrouwenbond (1893) - Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht (november 1893) - Vereeniging Onderlinge Vrouwenbescherming (1897) - Vereeniging voor Verbetering van Vrouwenkleeding (1898) Editor of: - The series De Volks-kinderbibliotheek - De Vrouw (1893-1900) Material in Letterkundig Museum, The Hague. UtrechtUnesco
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education School education, Convent education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Memberships Of editorial boards, Of academies
Place(s) of Residence Switzerland , Germany , Breda (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands , Voorschoten (Zuid-Holland) , Indonesia
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