Brita Sidonia Gadd (1740 - 1810)

Short name Brita Sidonia Gadd
First name Brita Sidonia
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1740
Date of death 1810
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography The first woman who published in a Finnish newspaper. No VIAF, CERL record to be made. JWapr24 Mentioned in Suomen kirjallisuushistoria I, 143-145
Provisional Notes Brita Gadd was the daughter of the bishop in Turku. She did probably get some schooling in writing. Her poems (poems of praise for the king) were published two times in the local newspaper. She was married to a professor of chemistry, P.A. Gadd, who was known of his eloquence. Suomen kirjallisuushistoria I, 143-145 JWapr14
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Fahlenius
Place(s) of Residence Finland
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