Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon (1869 - 1942)

Short name Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon
First name Caroline Frances Eleanor
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1869
Date of death 1942
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in United States
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography - Mysticism in English literature, CUP, 1913. - Five Hundred years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion, 3 vols., Cambridge UP, 1925. - Shakespeare's Iterative Imagery, London, Mitford, 1931. - Shakespeare's Imagery and what it tells us, CUP, 1935. - Renate Haas, “Caroline F.E. Spurgeon (1869-1942). First Woman Professor of English in England”, Women Medievalists and the Academy. Ed. Jane Chance. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2005: 99-109 Renate Haas, “Caroline Spurgeon – English Studies, the United States, and Internationalism”, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 38 (2002): 215-28 - Ina Schabert, “A Double-Voiced Discourse: Shakespeare Studies by Women in the Early 20th Century”, Gendered Academia. Wissenschaft und Geschlechterdifferenz 1890-1945. Eds. Miriam Kauko, Sylvia Mieszkowski and Alexandra Tischel, München: Wallstein Verlag, 2005: 255-77. - Juliette Dor, "Caroline Spurgeon and her Relationship to Chaucer. The Text of her Viva Presentation at the Sorbonne", pepople and Texts. ed. Thea Summerfield and Keith Busby, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007: 87-98. - "Caroline Spurgeon (1869-1942) and the Institutionalisation of English Studies as a Scholarly Discipline", in Eminent Chaucerians: Early Women Scholars and the History of Reading Chaucer, éd. Richard Utz, Philologie im Netz-Beiheft 4, 2009: 55-66. - her archives: under BC PP7/4 /1/2 Archives, Royal Holloway, University of London
Provisional Notes -
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence United States
Author of
Commented on in
Mentioned in
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