Julka Hlapec Djordjević (1882 - 1969)

Short name Julka Hlapec Djordjević
First name Julka
Birth name Hlapec Djordjević
Married name
Date of birth 1882
Date of death 1969
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Bečej
Place of death Czech Republic
Lived in Czech Republic , Wien (AUT) , Serbia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Julka Hlapec Djordjević was ...
related to Zofka Kveder
Place(s) of Residence Czech Republic , Wien (AUT) , Serbia
Receptions of Julka Hlapec Djordjević, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
cf. - Svetlana Slapsak, Julka Hlapec-Djordjevic: iz skandalozne istorije zataskavanja feminizma medju Juznim Slovenima [Julka Hlapec-Djordjevic: or about scandalous history of covering-up feminism among South Slaves], ProFemina, nr 5/6, summer-winter 1996. - Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the Shadows. Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia, CEU, Budapest 2000, p. 180-185. - Svetlana Slapsak, "Jedno dopisivanje": odgovor posle sedamdeset godina [A Certain Correspondence: an anwser after seventy years] in: J. Hlapec-Djordjevic, Jedno dopisivanje. Fragmenti romana {A Certain Correspondence. Fragments of Novel], Beograd 2004, p. 153-170. - Magdalena Koch, ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura...Twórczosc pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon-genre-gender) [...when we mature as a culture...Early 20th-century Serbian Women's Writings (canon-genre-gender)], Wroclaw 2007, p. 149-153.
mk 14 Oct 2010 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature 1992 translated from which language ??? svdmar12 Alenka Jensterle,21.2.2013 She wrote an article about the life and work of Zofka Kveder in Prague (Czech culture). In: Jelena Chlapec Djordjevic, Studije i eseji o femizmu. Beograd: Zivota i rada, 1935. 5TrschoolFeb13