Marquesa de Alorna (1750 - 1839)

Short name Marquesa de Alorna
First name Marquesa
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Alcipe , Laura , Lise , Lilia , Leonor de Almeida Portugal de Lorena e Lencastre
Date of birth 1750
Date of death 1839
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Portugal
Place of residence notes
Related to Teresa Leitão de Barros , Francisca de Paula Possolo da Costa , Teresa de Mello Breyner
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - CARDOSO, Nuno Catarino, Poetisas Portuguesas, Lisboa, 1917, p. 23 includes a short bio note on Alorna and the transcription of 2 poems. - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "She had a decided impact on Portuguese literary circles through her salon, to which the country's most prominent writers were invited". - E. Lisboa, Dicionário cronológico de autores portugueses, 1989 - Celebration of Women Writers Cf. - Raquel Bello Vázquez, "Lisbon and Vienna: The Correspondence of the Countess of Vimieiro and her Circle", in Portuguese Studies, 2004 (vol. 20), p. 89-107. - Anastácio, Vanda, A Marquesa de Alorna (1750-1839). Estudos, Lisbon, Prefácio Editores, 2009.
Provisional Notes ABOUT THE PERSON: @needlework_for_lack_of_money Info V. Anastacio sep11 Translated Thompson, Ossian, Wieland, Lamartine, Homer et al. Isabel lousada 2012/5/18
Religion / ideology Catholic
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Almeida, Leonor de
Place(s) of Residence Portugal