Augusta Guerdina Peaux (1859 - 1944)

Short name Augusta Guerdina Peaux
First name Augusta Guerdina
Birth name Peaux
Married name
Alternative name Augusta
Date of birth 1859
Date of death 1944
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Simonshaven (Zuid-Holland)
Place of death Nijmegen (Gelderland)
Lived in Etten-Leur (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Augusta Guerdina Peaux was ...
related to Johanna Reinhardina Peaux
related to Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe
related to Betsy van Vloten
Place(s) of Residence Etten-Leur (Noord-Brabant, NLD) , Netherlands
Receptions of Augusta Guerdina Peaux, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Het aandeel der vrouw [...] Maurits Basse 1921 mentions person
Ter Laan 1941 Cf. Erica van Boven, ‘Het pseudoniem als strategie. Pseudoniemen van vrouwelijke auteurs 1850-1900’. In: Nederlandse letterkunde, 1998 (4), p. 309-326.
Possible contributor to Dutch feminist press: Ons Streven (Lotte Jensen, Bij uitsluiting, p. 259) Translator from English; Translated several poems of English authors on which her sister Johanna wrote articles for 'De Tijdspiegel', like Robert Browning and Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1889). They published these articles under the pseudonym A.-J. Peaux. Material in Letterkundig Museum, The Hague.