María de Echarri (1878 - 1955)

Short name María de Echarri
First name María
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Raissa
Date of birth 1878
Date of death 1955
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Madrid (ESP)
Place of death -
Lived in Spain , Madrid (ESP)
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes Also: - Socio-cultural activist: fighting for the rights of lower-class women - Politician - Public speaker: she created the “Social Weeks,” where she encouraged female presence and discussed issues such as “The Social Action of Women” or “Work at Home for the Woman of Madrid.” - Councillor, Town Hall of Madrid. Main achievement: "Ley de la Silla" (The Chair’s Law), which demanded women's right to unionization and equal pay with men for the same job Memberships: public, political and ecclesial circles. - National Secretary of the International Social Catholic Conferences for the Protection of the Youth - Secretary of Catholic Action of Spanish Women - First Catholic Union of Women in Spain (helped to create) - Labour Superintendent of the Institute for Social Reform - National Secretary of the International Social Catholic Conferences for the Protection of the Youth - Secretary of Catholic Action of Spanish Women - First Catholic Union of Women in Spain (helped to create) - Labour Superintendent of the Institute for Social Reform Awards: - The Cross of Leopoldo II, awarded by the Belgium royalty - The Arcade of Rome, given by Pius X - The insignia Emeritus of Catholic Action, awarded by the Cardinal Primate of Spain MCL Nov2013 HERA
Religion / ideology Catholic
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships Other: public, political and ecclesiastical circles
Place(s) of Residence Spain , Madrid (ESP)
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