Marija Pečkauskaitė (1877 - 1930)

Short name Marija Pečkauskaitė
First name Marija
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Alternative name Šatrijos Ragana
Date of birth 1877
Date of death 1930
Flourishing -
Sex Female
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Lived in Lithuania
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Provisional Notes Born in noble family and raised in Polish cultural influence. Later joined Lithuanian National Revival. Studied in St Petersburg gymnasium, University of Zürich and University of Fribourg. - Marija studied pedagogy and worked as a teacher in a girls's school in Marijampole and in Zidikai. She was influenced by Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster and translated several of his works into Lithuanian. She started to write in Polish, his tutor Povilas Visinskis translated her works into Lithuanian and published in Lithuanian periodicals such as Varpas, Ukininkas. Later she published her works herself in pro-Catholic newspapers as Tevynes Sargas and others. Šatrijos Ragana was a romanticist writer. In her works she pictured the period of changes in Lithuanian history of 19th century, transition from nobility to peasantry, from Polish to Lithuanian culture. She was also interested in apiculture.
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education Higher education, School education
Aristocratic title -
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Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Lithuania
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