Julia Woykowska (1816 - 1851)

Short name Julia Woykowska
First name Julia
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Jul. Woy , j.w.
Date of birth 1816
Date of death 1851
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Poland
Place of residence notes
Related to Bettina von Arnim
Bibliography Cf. Frelkiewicz M., "Julia Molińska - Woykowska. Próba monografii", Poznań 1938. Gospodarek T., "Julia Molińska - Woykowska (1816-1851)", Wrocław 1962. Krzywobłocka B., "Towarzyszki tamtych dni. Opowieści o kobietach związanych z ruchem robotniczym i pierwszych polskich socjalistkach", Poznań 1982. Zakrzewski B., "Tygodnik Literacki 1835-1845. Zarys monograficzny", Warszawa 1964.
Provisional Notes Friendship with Bettina von Armin was probably cooperation too. Bettina von Armin is said to be an author of "Polenbrochure" published in Paris (1848) anonymously. Publication concerns a right for Polish Nation to have its own state. Woykowska meet von Armin in Berlin in 1848, when she came for diplomatic mission. To be checked/confirmed by German speaking Researcher! in progress (Lucyna Marzec August 2011) Dear Lucyna: why was she called the Polish George Sand? svd NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Poland
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