Françoise de Maintenon (1635 - 1719)

Short name Françoise de Maintenon
First name Françoise
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Françoise d' Aubigné , Françoise d' Aubigny , Françoise Scarron , Marquise de Maintenon , Madame Scarron
Date of birth 1635
Date of death 1719
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth France
Place of death France
Lived in France , Paris
Place of residence notes
Related to Marthe-Marguerite Comtesse de Caylus , Anne-Marie de la Trémoille princesse Des Ursins
Bibliography Mentioned in: - La Porte 1769 I 557-576 - Boudier de Villemert 1778 - Briquet 1804 - Jacquinet, Les femmes de France poètes et prosateurs, 1886 - Desplantes et Pouthier, 1890 - Debeljak, Pregled, 1912
Provisional Notes KLK 1915 According to Desplantes et Pouthier, while traveling to America as a young girl, Françoise got so sick her parents believed her to be dead, and were on the verge of throwing her overboard when she regained consciousness. p.191 Morganatic marriage with Louis XIV (so never officially queen) Father had bad reputation: killed first wife and was imprisoned for a considerable amount of time for various reasons. Françoise said to have been born in prison. Desplantes et Pouthier, pp.187-188 Niort 27-11-1635 - Saint-Cyr 15-04-1719. Lived in Martinique, Niort, Paris, Saint-Cyr, Versailles. Married to Scarron, widowed (1660), remarried in 1685 to Louis XIV, widowed (1715). MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p. 35ss: critique of institutional marriage
Religion / ideology Protestant, Catholic
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse D'Aubigné, Françoise, Scarron
Place(s) of Residence France , Paris
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