Leposava Mijušković (1882 - 1910)

Short name Leposava Mijušković
First name Leposava
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name L. M. , L. M.
Date of birth 1882
Date of death 1910
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Jagodina (SRB)
Place of death Belgrade (SRB)
Lived in Switzerland , Serbia
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Vitošević, Dragiša, Srpsko pesništvo 1901-1914 - razdoblje, razvoj, obeležja (Serbian poetry 1901-1914 - the period, development, characteristics), Beograd: Vuk Karadžić, 1975 Cf. - Skerlić, Jovan, Pisci i knjige (The Writers and the Books), Beograd, Prosveta, 1964. - Vitošević, Dragiša, Zaboravljena Leposava Mijušković, [Forgotten Leposava Mijuskovic] in Srpski književni glasnik, 1901-1914 (The Serbian Literary Gazette, 1901-1914). Novi Sad, Matica srpska, 1990. pg. 269-272 - Đorđević, Ž. (1996) Leposava Mijušković, junakinja našeg doba (Leposava Mijušković, heroine of our ages) u/in : Priče o duši (The Story about Soul), Beograd, 1996 p 77-95. - Mijušković, Leposava, Priče o duši (The Stories about the Soul), Beograd, 1996. - Slavica Garonja Radovanac "Žena u srpskoj književnosti" (The Woman in Serbian Literature), Novi Sad, 2010. pg. 67-93 - Magdalena Koch ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura.., (...whe we mature as a culture...), Wroclaw, 2007, 262, 264. - Olga Zorić Leposava Mijušković, junakinja sopstvenog dela, [Leposava Mijuskovic, the heroine of own work], u Letopis matice srpske, knjiga 486, sv. 5, Novi Sad, novembar 2010.
Provisional Notes NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 - List Celebration of Women Writers
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Switzerland , Serbia