Jenny Elfving (1871 - 1950)

Short name Jenny Elfving
First name Jenny
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1871
Date of death 1950
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Finland
Place of death Finland
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
Related to Ester Ståhlberg
Bibliography Mentioned in Suomalainen kirjallisuus 1911-1916.
Provisional Notes Jenny Elfving founded a modern, high-quality gardening school for girls and financed it with her own money. The girls even wore trousers! She also designed gardens, wrote to magazines and educated herself abroad. Elfving also went to the commercial school. Later Elfving was forced to close the school because of economical problems. Not sister of Betty Elfving. JWaug14
Religion / ideology
Education Other, Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Finland
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