Petronella Johanna de Timmerman (1724 - 1786)

Short name Petronella Johanna de Timmerman
First name Petronella Johanna
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Petronella Johanna Hennert - de Timmerman
Date of birth 1724
Date of death 1786
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Middelburg (Zeeland, NLD)
Place of death Utrecht (Utrecht, NLD)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to Betje Wolff
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Heinemeyer He-Hu 153 & T-U 154 - Ter Laan 1941, - Van Bork en Verkruijsse 1985 - see link DBNL - Buijnsters Corresp. E.Bekker en A. Deken, Utrecht, 1987 - Lauwerkrans 1997, p. 12, 83, 91, 583-588, 696, 703. see URL for pages about her in English-language version - Van Bunge e.a., Dictionary of 17th- and 18th-century Dutch philosophers, 2003 online-portrait in DVN
Provisional Notes Not mentioned in : - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. van Bunge e.a. 2003, p. 986-7: "P.J. de T. had an extraordinary knowledge of the Exact sciences and philosophy. [...] According to Hennert's [= her husband's] biography, in which she is described as the ideal enlightened woman who managed to combine household tasks with intellectual activities, she read Van Musschenbroek, Nollet, Reaumur, Leibniz, Mendelssohn, Reimarus and Bonnet. Her favourite philosopher was, however, Christian Wolff [just like...] C.L. de Neufville, one of the few other eighteenth-century women who had an in-depth knowledge of contemporary philosophy." svd sep09 Married (1749), widowed (1758), remarried (1769). Honorary member of Haagse dichtgenootschap ‘Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt’ (KSGV). Material in Letterkundig Museum, The Hague
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Memberships Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands