Aloïse de Carlowitz (1797 - 1863)

Short name Aloïse de Carlowitz
First name Aloïse
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Baronne de Carlowitz
Date of birth 1797
Date of death 1863
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in France
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Montferrand, Femmes célèbres, 1843 Cf. - Margaret Cohen, The sentimental education of the novel. Princeton, 1999.
Provisional Notes Born in Fiume (then part of the Kingdom of Hungary). Later part of the Austrian Empire. Now part of Croatia. According to Montferrand, family of Saxon origin. Well educated at home (by father) (Montferrand 89) Married to an "escroc" who took the family's money (Montferrand 91) NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide Absent from Corr.GS Cohen, 13, 53, 129 etc. 29 notices Cat.BnF svd jul08 No translations into Dutch, according to NCC/Picarta 2 lettres ms, de 1843 et 1845 dans bibl. UvA svdmar10
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Baronne de Carlowitz
Place(s) of Residence France