Marie Elise Loke (1870 - 1916)

Short name Marie Elise Loke
First name Marie Elise
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1870
Date of death 1916
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Hoorn (Noord-Holland, NLD)
Place of death Groningen (Groningen, NLD)
Lived in Arnhem (Gelderland, NLD) , Toulouse (FRA) , Netherlands , Kampen (Overijssel, NLD)
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography cf. - art. Annie L. Oppenheim - Inge de Wilde, Een beminnelijke romaniste. Marie Elise Loke (1870-1916), de eerste vrouwelijke lector in Nederland. Groningen 1993 (met portret) Published in de Nederlandsche Spectator about A.G. van Hamel. (cf. De Gids 1907 II, p. 397) online-portrait in wikipedia
Provisional Notes NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women’s literature, 1992. Was member of the Damesleesmuseum Den Haag (Duyvendak 1994, p. 189-195).
Religion / ideology
Education School education, Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships Damesleesmuseum (The Hague), Nederlandschen Bond voor Vrouwenkiesrecht
Place(s) of Residence Arnhem (Gelderland, NLD) , Toulouse (FRA) , Netherlands , Kampen (Overijssel, NLD)
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