Ana Vusija Vidović (1799 - 1879)

Short name Ana Vusija Vidović
First name Ana
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1799
Date of death 1879
Flourishing -
Sex Female
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Place of death -
Lived in Croatia
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography 1. Ravlić, Jakša (ed.). 1965. Hrvatski narodni preporod. Ilirska knjiga. I. Zagreb: "Zora". Matica hrvatska. 2. Zorić, Mate. 1970. "Nikola Tommaseo i pjesnikinja Ana Vidovićeva iz Šibenika". Filologija. 6: 335-352. 3. Rados, Zvjezdana. 1995. "Poezija Ane Vidović u Zori Dalmatinskoj". Zadarska smotra. 3–4: 365–380. 4. Detoni Dujmić, Dunja. 1998. Ljepša polovica književnosti. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska. 5. Jelčić, Dubravko. 2002. Hrvatski književni romantizam. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. 6. Tomasović, Mirko. 2009. "Ana Vidović. Književni profil". Nova Croatica. 3: 1–31.
Provisional Notes Ana Vidović (nee Vusija) was born in 1788 in Šibenik (Croatia), where she grew up.She was educated in Šibenik and Zadar. She married MArko Vidović, who was also into writing. He, however, wrote mainly in Italian. They lived in Pag, where her husband worked. She died in Šibenik 1879. Ana Vidović was considerably influenced by Dositej Obradović and Vuk Karadžić. Her works were, therefore, greatly influenced by folk tradition. Apart from Serbian, she spoke Italian too. In 1841, she published her first work "Anka i Stanko" in Zadar. She was in the editorial board of the "Zora Dalmatinska" journal between 1844 and 1849. As of 1844, she started publishing her poems in Zadar, which were accompanied with an Italian translation. She published two books in Italian: A collection of poems (1846) and an epic poem about Romulus' founding of Rome (1856). Source: Savremenici i poslednici Dositeja Obradovića i Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića: sakupio, obradio i sredio Vlastoje D. Aleksijević (1911–1969), druga sveska, available at Translated by Višnja Krstić sc nov12 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 checkedvictoria
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
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Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Croatia
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