Sofija Pšibiliauskienė (1867 - 1926)

Short name Sofija Pšibiliauskienė
First name Sofija
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Sofija Ivanauskaitė , Lazdynų Pelėda
Date of birth 1867
Date of death 1926
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Lithuania
Place of residence notes
Related to Marija Ivanauskaitė - Lastauskienė
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Classic Lithuanian Literature Anthology
Provisional Notes Museum dedicated to her and her sister; cf. website. - Noblewoman, from a Lithuanian-Polish noble family. Without formal education, self-educated. Married Rapolas Pšibiliauskas, had two children but her marriage was without success. She had a sister Marija Lastauskienė who wrote in Polish and Sofija translated her works to Lithuanian and published under the same pseudonym. - In Vilnius she was working as a bookstore saleswoman, seamstress, pharmacy assistant. In Kaunas she worked in the M.K. Čiurlionis Gallery. She started writing after having met Povilas Višinskis in 1898. Her works were first published in Lithuanian periodicals; also translator.
Religion / ideology
Education Self-educated
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Ivanauskaitė
Place(s) of Residence Lithuania
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