Elisabeth Bürstenbinder (1838 - 1918)

Short name Elisabeth Bürstenbinder
First name Elisabeth
Birth name Bürstenbinder
Married name
Alternative name E. Verner , E. Werner , Elisabeth Buerstenbinder
Date of birth 1838
Date of death 1918
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Elisabeth Bürstenbinder was ...
Place(s) of Residence Germany
Receptions of Elisabeth Bürstenbinder, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Kvinden i Literaturen The woman in literature Camilla Collett 1877 comments on person
Ženska in knjige Woman and books Minka Govekar 1905 mentions person
Selected bibliography, according to Wikipedia-article: Novels: Am Altar, Leipzig 1873 Glück auf!, Leipzig 1874 Gesprengte Fesseln, Leipzig 1875 Vineta, Leipzig 1877 Um hohen Preis, Leipzig 1878 Frühlingsboten, Leipzig 1880 Der Egoist, Leipzig 1882 Gebannt und erlöst, Leipzig 1884 Ein Gottesurteil, Leipzig 1885 Heimatklang, Leipzig 1887 Sankt Michael, Leipzig 1887 Die Alpenfee, Leipzig 1889 Flammenzeichen, Leipzig 1890 Freie Bahn!, Leipzig 1893 Fata Morgana, Leipzig 1896 Hexengold, Leipzig 1900 Runen, 1903 Siegwart, 1909 Short stories: Gartenlaubenblüten, Leipzig 1872; enthält die Erzählungen Ein Held der Feder und Hermann Die Blume des Glücks, Leipzig 1885 Adlerflug, Berlin 1886 Gewagt und gewonnen. Leipzig 1891 Der höhere Standpunkt, 1896 Mentioned in : - Brummer - Kurschner N - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers, 2011
Not mentioned in: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. Very many of her works seem to have been translated into Swedish (1875-1928). Several Danish translations (1874-96), some Norwegian editions. Many books seem to have been translated into Russian. No translations in French according to catalogue BnF. svdmay10 KLK 1904