Julijana Radivojević (1799 - 1850)

Short name Julijana Radivojević
First name Julijana
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1799
Date of death 1850
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Vršac (SRB)
Place of death -
Lived in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes Julijana Radivojević (nee Vijatović) was born in Vršac (Serbia), where her father worked as an officer. At the age of 11, after her parents' death, she moved to Vienna at her uncle's, where she spent the following eight years, "almost forgetting her mother tongue", as she noted. In 1821, she moved to Pest, where she married Maks Radivojević. The date of her death is unknown. Based in Pest, from 1829 she started publishing almanac "Talija" in the Serbian language. Only a couple of her poems have survived, the most famous one being Spomen Dositeja Obradovića (In Memory of Dositej Obradović). Some researchers see her as the first Serbian female journalist. She is also known for the sonnet that Czech poet Jan Kolar published in her honour in 1832. In the forth part of Kolar's Slávy dcera, sonnet 25 also contains a short bibliographical note, written by Radivojević herself. At the territory of Serbia, however, no copy of "Talija" survived till present day. Source: Magdalena Koh, Kad sazremo kao kultura... (When we mature as a culture...) Translated by Višnja Krstić
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Aristocratic title -
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Marital status
Spouse Vijatović
Place(s) of Residence Austro-Hungarian Empire
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