Caecilia Böhl de Faber (1796 - 1877)

Short name Caecilia Böhl de Faber
First name Caecilia
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Fernán Caballero
Date of birth 1796
Date of death 1877
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Switzerland
Place of death Sevilla
Lived in Germany , Puerto Rico , Spain
Place of residence notes
Related to Francisca de Larrea , Faustina Sáez de Melgar
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "[...] was acknowledged as Spain's most prestigious novelist" cf . Wiedemann, Sand, in Oeuvres et Critiques.
Provisional Notes - On the difficulties of referencing and classifying her works: "The first two editions of her Obras completas were printed in 16 volumes by Mellado (1861-1864), and there have been several subsequent editions, all in Madrid. There is also José María Castro's edition, Obras de Fernán Caballero (1961).The absence of a reliable edition of her works adds to the critical obstacles in cross-listing her references. Furthermore, classifications of her short fiction present difficulties [...]" (Janet Perez, Maureen Ihrie (2002): The Feminist Encyclopedia of Spanish Literature: N-Z, p. 562) Attended French boarding school in Hamburg. Married three times, widowed three times. HP Feb14 HERA TTT
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education School education, Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Germany , Puerto Rico , Spain