Maria Dermoût (1888 - 1962)

Short name Maria Dermoût
First name Maria
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Helena Anthonia Maria Elisabeth Ingerman
Date of birth 1888
Date of death 1962
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Pekalongan (IDN)
Place of death Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD)
Lived in
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED In: - The Pantheon of Museum of Dutch literary history, as one of the xx women out of the xx writers born before 1900 (cf. born after 1900: xx women, xx men) (svdjan11) - Portrait gallery of Museum of Dutch literary history, as one of the 17 women out of the 115 writers born before 1900 (cf. born after 1900: 65 women, 219 men) (svddec10)
Provisional Notes Full name: Ingerman, Helena Anthonia Maria Elisabeth. Married to Isaac Johannes Dermoût (1907). 2 children (Ettie, Hans) Son Hans died in a Japanese concentration camp in 1945. (DVN) Worked as a librarian in Semarang. Two manuscripts of her novel 'Nog pas gisteren' (1951) got lost before publishing. (DVN) forfurtherdiscussion - left out the places she lived for a while: Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) Arnhem (Gelderland, NLD) Haarlem (Noord-Holland, NLD) Netherlands Noordwijk (Zuid-Holland, NLD) Semarang (IDN) Switzerland svd 16-2-17 [E.N. 4-12-2018] AdresATM: no Amsterdam address found.
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Dermoût-Ingerman, Maria
Memberships De Gids
Place(s) of Residence
Commented on in
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