Milica Janković (1881 - 1939)

Short name Milica Janković
First name Milica
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name L. Mihajlović
Date of birth 1881
Date of death 1939
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Požarevac (SRB)
Place of death Serbia
Lived in Serbia
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography Mentioned in: - Jovan Skerlić, Istorija nove srpske knjizevnosti [History of New Serbian Literature], Beograd [Belgrade] 1914 (first edition). -Dragutin Prohaska, Pregled savremene hrvatsko-srpske knjizevnosti [Short History of Contemporary Croatian-Serbian Literature], izvanredno izdanje Matice hrvatske, Zagreb 1921. - Jovan Deretić, Istorija srpske knjizevnosti [History of Serbian Literature], Beograd [Belgrade] 1983 (first edition), 2002 (expanded edition). - Predrag Palavestra, Istorija moderne srpske knjizevnosti. Zlatno doba [History of Modern Serbian Literature. Golden age], Beograd [Belgrade] 1986 (first edition), 1995 (second edition). -Vesna Matović, Zenska knjizevnost i srpski modernizam. Saglasija i raskoli [Women Writing and Serbian Modernism. Agreements and Disagreements] in: Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima 19. i 20. veka [Serbia in modernization processes of 19th and 20th century, v. 2, Belgrade 1998. cf. - Malisa Stanojević, Zivotna i spisateljska sudbina Milice Janković [Life and Creative Fate of Milica Janković] in: Anali Filoloskog fakulteta, 16, Beograd 1985. - Radomir Putnik, Dve drame Milice Jankovic [Two dramas of Milica Jankovic] in: idem, Citajuci iznova. Ogledi iz dramaturgije i teatrologije {Reading Once Again. Essays on Drama and theatrology], Novi Sad 1990, p. 41-51. -- Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the Shadows. Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia, CEU, Budapest 2000, p. 151-154. -- Magdaelna Koch, ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura... Twórczosc pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon-genre-gender) [...when we mature as a culture... Early 20th-century Serbian Women's Writings (canon-genre-gender), Wroclaw 2007. - Magdalena Koch, Naratološka transgresija ili srpski modernistički gender-diskurs u književnoj akciji (Milica Janković, Ispovesti, 1913) [Narrative Transgression or Serbian gender discourse in Literary Action (Milica Jankovic, Confessions 1913)] in: Teorije i politike roda, Zbornik [Theories and Politics of Gender], editor Tatjana Rosic, Institut za knjizevnost i umetnost, Belgrade 2008, p. 305-316.
Provisional Notes mk 15 Oct 2010
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Serbia
Author of
Commented on in
Mentioned in
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