Sarah Lee (1791 - 1856)

Short name Sarah Lee
First name Sarah
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Sarah Wallis , Sarah Bowdich , Mrs. Robert Lee
Date of birth 1791
Date of death 1856
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth England
Place of death England
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography Cf. Orr, Mary, "Pursuing Proper Protocol: Sarah Bowdich's Purview of the Sciences of Exploration", in Victorian Studies - Vol. 49, Number 2, Winter 2007, pp. 277-285
Provisional Notes Born in Colchester, lived in England and Paris, travelled to Africa, died in Erith (London). Married to Thomas Edward Bowdich, the naturalist, in 1813. Remarried in 1826 to Robert Lee. 3 children. After the death of her first husband she struggled to support her family as an author. TBjul12 Authorial ascription varies, according to married name. CERL Thesaurus gives "Lee, R" and "Lee, Sarah" as headings - see link abrFeb14 Collaborated with Georges Cuvier, naturalist. Abstract Mary Orr: Attempting to correct, in small part, the invisibility of women participating in nineteenth-century science, this article brings to attention the work of the scientist, artist, and writer Mrs. Sarah Bowdich. Bowdich employed the vehicle of biography to overcome the obstacles that discouraged women from entering scientific disciplines, publishing her biography of the French scientist Georges Cuvier and her report of T. Edward Bowdich's explorations in the Gambia to international acclaim. Through these publications, Bowdich succeeded in disseminating her own scientific contributions in field-based research, gaining respect in both English and French scientific communities.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence England
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