Solstraaler i Hytten, eller, hvad kvinden kan udrette. En Fortælling hovedsagelig henvendt til Arbejdsklassen Sunbeams in the cabin, or, what the woman can accomplish. A story chiefly addressed to the working classes. WORK

Title Solstraaler i Hytten, eller, hvad kvinden kan udrette. En Fortælling hovedsagelig henvendt til Arbejdsklassen Sunbeams in the cabin, or, what the woman can accomplish. A story chiefly addressed to the working classes.
Is same as work Solstraaler i Hytten, eller, hvad kvinden kan udrette. En Fortælling hovedsagelig henvendt til Arbejdsklassen
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1857
Notes ["I can't find the original title, but I'm guessing it is Lady Elinor Mordaunt; or, Sunbeams in the Castle\n\nHege16\n\nIs this from Christiania-Posten? MNS20\nThere is a review of this 1857 translation in C-P in 1858. MNS21\n\nThis is a book translation, 192 pages. Original title given as 'Work, or plenty to do and how to do it'.\nMNS23"]
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Via received works
Lady Elinor Mordaunt; or, Sunbeams in the castle Margaret Maria Brewster