Louisa Alcott och Emerson Alcott and Emerson ARTICLE Turku (FIN)

Title Louisa Alcott och Emerson Alcott and Emerson
Is same as work Louisa Alcott och Emerson
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Turku (FIN)
Date 1888
Notes ['The text in Åbo underrättelser says: "The recently died American writer tells in an article that she wrought shortly before her death and where she tells some interesting memories from her life, that as a young girl she tried to be a Bettina for the poet Emerson. She manifests:\'in mr. Emerson\'s library I found Goethe\'s Correspondence with a child and I got a huge desire to be another Bettina through making my fathers friend to my Goethe. So I wrote letter to him but was wise enough not to send them. I set wild flowers to my master\'s treshold, sung Mignon\'s song with bad German under his window and liked to wander in the moon shine or to sit in a cherry tree until the owls scared me away." JWfb16']

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