Kirjallisuutta Literature ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisuutta Literature
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1900
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Uusi Suometar 14.12.1900 says:"Parents usually find it hard to find a suitable book for children who don\'t content themselves with picture books anymore but cannot yet enjoy more \'profound\'. Among the literature for this christmas there is at least this book that is suitable for that purpose. The book tells about six children, their going to school, playing, and the teachings they get from life on an early age. The oldest one, Katri, 12 years old when the story begins, hast to be in the sickbed for many years because of her disobedience. During that time she learns to be humble, deny herself, serve others and to love her younger sisters and brothers. When she finally gets to her feet again, is she another person than before her sickness. The writer describes the life and feelings of the children with a mothers sense and worry. She shows, how so young people get a punishment because of all the bad, they commit. She shows as well how children \'can avoid things that have bad consequences for them and how they can get strength to be obedient and have good manners\'. Here and there are words and notions that get at least a finnish child to ask their parents, what this or that means. And it is good, because in that way the parents can have a chance to tell their children things, that otherways wouldn\'t come up. The book can be recommended to all children - especially girls - and parents. The translation is smooth and the language without faults. However, youy must bemoan the so usual faults with object, and that an interrogative clause is started with the word "if", etc. JWmar16']
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Katrin toimet Elin Hagfors