De geestelyke Don Quichot, of het zomer-reisje van Geoffroy Wildgoose The spiritual Quixote, or The summer's ramble of Geoffrey Wildgoose WORK

Title De geestelyke Don Quichot, of het zomer-reisje van Geoffroy Wildgoose The spiritual Quixote, or The summer's ramble of Geoffrey Wildgoose
Is same as work De geestelyke Don Quichot, of het zomer-reisje van Geoffroy Wildgoose
Author Betje Wolff
Date 1799
Notes ['* Print\nEdition: 1\nPublisher: Isaac van Cleef\nLocation: The Hague\nYear: 1799.\n\nTitle of translation: De geestelyke Don Quichot, of het zomer-reisje van Geoffroy Wildgoose; / door Smollet: uit het Engelsch vertaald door E. Bekker, wed. A. Wolff Attribution to Tobias George Smollett (1721-1771), but the real author is Richard Graves (1715-1804) (Via Buijnsters 1979)(SP) Buisman, 732 Mateboer 1996, 460']
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Via received works
The spiritual Quixote, or The summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgoose Richard Graves