*Chapter in Sketches of the lives and writings of the ladies of France WORK England

Title *Chapter in Sketches of the lives and writings of the ladies of France
Is same as work *Chapter in Sketches of the lives and writings of the ladies of France
Author Ann Thicknesse
Place England
Date 1780
Notes ['1\nBorn at Paris in the year 1664, and died in that city 1734. She was not only celebrated for her literary talents, but equally admired for the elegance of her manners, the sweetness of her disposition, and the unaffected modesty of her deportment. She opened her house twice a week for the re-\n2\nception of company, among whom, there were persons of the first condition; but being rather straitened in her fortune, Monsieur de Chauvelin (then Minister of State) made a little addition to it, by procuring her a pension of four hundred livres fron the crown, and at different times, gave her proofs of his own liberality, and sense of her merit. She acquired so much reputation by her poetical talents, that in 1697, she was received into the academy degli Recoverati at Padua. She translated Ovid’s Epistles, of which, she put sixteen into French verse. Among her writings in prose is one, intitled, la Tour Ténébreuse, ou Histoire de Richard the first, Roi d’Angleterre, named Coeur de lion, (lion-hearted) The account she gives of that Prince is as follows.\n[...]\n5\n[...] These manuscripts happened to fall into the hands of Mademoiselle Heritier, one of which she has published under the title of Contes Anglois. In her history\n6\nof la Tour Ténébreuse, she has related nothing but what she found in the manuscript, written by the King himself, which she has dressed up in the form of a novel.\n[...]\nsvd']

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