Helsingfors Dagblad no 307 Ny litteratur New literature PUBLICITY

Title Helsingfors Dagblad no 307 Ny litteratur New literature
Is same as work Helsingfors Dagblad no 307 Ny litteratur
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1877
Notes ['An advertisement in Helsingfors Dagblad says that Alcott has written "värdefulla böcker för ungdomen, erbjuder här ett nytt alster af sin penna, hvilket säkert äfven det skall finna väg till många hem." ("Valuable books for young people, offering here a whole new product of her pen, which also shall find it\'s way to many homes"). Also in Borgåbladet 28.11.1877 and Helsingfors Dagblad 11.12.1877, as a part of a series. The text says: "this series, admired for good reason, includes pedagogical and sophisticating readings for homes, and doesn\'t need to be commented. It already has many friends, which is the best recommendation." Also in Borgåbladet 28.11.1877, Åbo underrättelser 18.12.1877, Vasabladet 3.1.1878, Nya Pressen 18.12.1894. JWfeb16']
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Rosen i blomning. Fortsättning på Rosa eller De åtta kusinerna Bertha Sandlund