Ännu litet om Lovisa Alcott Still something more about Alcott ARTICLE Finland

Title Ännu litet om Lovisa Alcott Still something more about Alcott
Is same as work Ännu litet om Lovisa Alcott
Author Alexandra Gripenberg
Place Finland
Date 1892
Notes ['This article is a correction for the article about Louisa Alcott in the same magazine, Nya trollsländan. The text corrects Alcott\'s year of death, and tells, that her father was a vegetarian and so was Alcott until she grew up. She and her sister didn\'t go to school regularly because the parents were poor - instead the girls studied with their farther and a friend of his, and spent a lot of time in the nature. The article also tells about the "paparazzi" that were hiding in the bushes when Alcott went to a walk, talked with her parents etc. Her favourite characters were Laurie Lawrence and Hanna March. She thought to leave Hanna unmarried, but was pressured to do otherwise. However, she always told to her readers, that marriage was important but more important was to become brave, warm-hearted and righteous women that can take care of their work. Alcott took care of her father and of her sister\'s daughter and she was very nervous because she had to sustain all the family. JWfeb16']

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is biography of Louisa May Alcott
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