Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature
Is same as work Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva
Author Ivan Pregelj
Place Slovenia
Date 1915
Notes ['Pregelj arranges German female authors by following different curiosities from their lives: foreign origin, unusual way of dying, religious conversion, friendship among authors, use of pseudonyms, and so forth. \nHERA_TestTB2015']

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In this reception
comments on person Eugenie Marlitt
comments on person Margarethe von Bülow
comments on person Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach
comments on person Elisaveta Kulman
comments on person Emil Marriot
comments on person Ossip Schubin
comments on person Roswitha von Gandersheim
comments on person Helene Keßler
comments on person Louise von François
comments on person Annette von Droste - Hülshoff
comments on person Hans Arnold
comments on person Ida von Hahn-Hahn
comments on person Luise Hensel
mentions person Lou Andreas - Salomé
mentions person Karoline Louise Brachmann
mentions person Gabriele Reuter
mentions person Bettina von Arnim
mentions person Caroline Schlegel Schelling
Via received works

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