Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia Literature. Little women ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia Literature. Little women
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta. Pikku naisia
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1917
Notes ["The article in the magazine Uusi Suometar 28.1.1917 tells, that Alcott is the school girl's writer, that everyone has red Old-fashioned girl, and those who can read Swedish have red 'Rose-books' and miss them. This one isn't as good as those, because the plot is thinner because there are four girls as heroines. They are an American group of sisters who try to become little women. They play Bunyan's 'The Pilgrims Progress', but the teachings are covered with funny things. The characters of the girls are briskly drawn and their adventures are interesting. The undersigned has to admit that she/he was relieved when father came home, because the girls couldn't get kinder. Without doubt suitable for every school girl.\nJWaug16\n\n"]
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